Hi, my name is Millie.

My story has two anchors: one stationed in a small, quiet town in Pennsylvania and the other in the hectic streets of New York City. As a young girl, I often accompanied my family to the city and loved the contagious energy it provided. Venturing through different neighborhoods, each distinct from one another, forged an incredible sense of wanderlust. From NYC to Japan and beyond, I love experiencing new environments, meeting new friends, and documenting it in frame. 

Photography has been a lifelong journey for me, stemming from my first camcorder when I was 8 years old and flipping through family photo albums as a child. I was fascinated by the ability of photography to capture and focus on details that typically others gloss-over. Inspiration can spike from anything and anywhere: the quiet alleyway of the bustle streets, a couple laughing, a healing conversation with a friend, and boundless occasions. My philosophy has evolved over the years but remains central around connection.

With photography, I aim to capture the synergy between people, place, and memory. For just a moment, the camera momentarily stops time and distills the moment into frames. These shots translate the candid moments into infinite stories that are forever immortalized in time and space. Photography transports me to whenever, wherever, and whatever the frame holds, so while my anchors are set in place, I’m continually venturing beyond and exploring with a camera in hand.

My Life in Polaroids.

me, my friends, & the city i love

My Life in Polaroids.

me, my friends, & the city i love

Some things I love 

  • Hallmark Christmas movies
  • Fluffy dogs
  • Sunrises
  • Whimsical floral arrangements
ready to connect?

(Unfortunately, not my dog)